WhatsApp and Telegram are the two leading messaging applications today. Telegram is the most recent, though less popular and has emerged to give some little competition to WhatsApp’s 450 million user base. With the recent takeover of WhatsApp by Facebook , Telegram may just have gotten the break it needs. But what makes one better than the other? Similarities: Both use the same identification formula (mobile number) and are very similar in the user interface, even the conversation view. You can still chat on groups; send pictures on videos on Telegram too. Differences: WhatsApp is relatively slow compared to Telegram. With telegram, instances of hanging are less and it is lighter on the phone RAM. You can install Telegram on multiple devices using one number and use them all concurrently while WhatsApp only allows use of one number per device. While WhatsApp requires an Android emulator for use on PC, Telegram has an app for easy use on your computer. Mobile ...
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